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Frequently Asked Questions


There are quite a few things that go into this equation.  We line item our proposals so that you can see an itemized detail of what your project costs.  We look at a lot of variables and listen to your ideas and make recommendations for what would provide you with the finished project you hoped for.  Do you need extra soil for your lawn?  Is there easy accessibility to the project area(s) for equipment, tractors etc.  Do you need grading or tractor work done?

It is our job to work within your budget and provide you with finished product you are happy with.

We also find that people save money on water with a system over time.  A sprinkler system is on a timer to provide water when and where you need it with out having to drag hoses or worry about how long it has been running.  If you want a green lawn… budget for a Rainbird Sprinkler System!

The answer is almost always “Yes”.  We can help you in these decisions when we look at what you hope to accomplish short and long term with your landscaping needs.

Some things on jobs have to be done before others for practical reasons but also to save you money down the line.  For example; you may not want to put in a lawn and get it all established just to tear it up to put in curb, rock and plant areas later.  You may want to put in rock or another material in now and put plants in the next Spring or when things go on sale at the nurseries in the fall.

This depends on if you have new sod, seed or an existing lawn.

New sod needs to be watered enough to keep not only the sod but the ground underneath wet for a couple weeks so that the roots can get established in the ground.  After that it can be cut back quite a bit for a couple more weeks and so on.

Seed needs to be kept wet for the first few weeks to get it germinated and rooting into the ground.  So we water more often but with less water.  Once the seed starts to root we want the ground watered in such a way to make the roots go deep to establish themselves.

Established lawns can be watered once a day, twice a day or only a few times a week depending on the time of year and what the temperature is.  We work with you to make sure you can set your system for the needs of your lawn or plants.

Yes!  We can install drip systems for your plants and/or trees that are not watered by your lawn sprinklers.  Rainbird has an array of options to fit whatever type of plants or plant areas you have.

Curbing is a continuous concrete border that is laid by a small machine that separates rock or materials from lawn or other areas of your landscaping.  It sometimes is also used to border a patio.  It usually has an edge that you can run a lawn mower wheel on so that you don’t have to trim along the edges of your grass and plant areas.  There a few different styles and it can also be colored with dye in the mix to match your home colors or trim.  It provides a nice clean and beautiful way to line or border your grass, planting areas or trees.

We always recommend some sort of area or border around your house for fire safety and to keep sprinklers from getting too much water up next to a home’s foundation.

We live in an unusual area for the planting zones that are listed.  Lawrence, Meade or Butte Counties go from 4a to 5b and everywhere in between.  But if you are up in Lead, Deadwood or higher altitudes a plant or tree may grow but grow more slowly or sparsely.

You also need to be aware of deer in your neighborhood.  They think some plants are treats you have planted for them. Some plants are deer resistant.

See a partial listing of what grows in our area on our website here in the albums; “Perennials” or “Shrubs & Trees”.

Startz & Startz is an installation company.  Which means we install lawns, sprinkler systems, plants & trees, retaining walls and do grading etc.  At this time we do not provide any maintenance services such as mowing, weed prevention or long term plant bed or lawn care.

We do not install yard or property fences.  There are several local fencing contractors in our area to choose from though.

 Jim and Tina have almost 45 years combined landscaping background.

Jim started landscaping back in Illinois over 30 years ago and moved to the Northern Hills in 1996.

Our History
