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The size of your lot will help determine how much lawn or grass you will have to maintain. Sod is an instant gratification lawn.  You can xeriscape areas, use decorative rock or islands to minimize some of the lawn areas is you have a big lawn or acreage.  Most clients opt for a Blue Grass Sod which we call a “Barefoot Lawn”.
Others want to conserve a bit of water and have us put down a Fescue Mix Sod.  Both are a beautiful turf.
With a sprinkler system your sod yard is ready to mow in just a couple weeks.

Seeded yards are a more economical way to get a beautiful lawn.  Establishing a seeded yard will take more time but with proper care and water the end result is the same.  We normally use a blend of seed called “Fast Grass”; it is a Blue Grass mix.  It germinates quickly and makes for a beautiful lawn once it is mature.